psychobetabeatdown added 4 media in the group DR GREENTHUMB SHOW
Meegan posted in the group DR GREENTHUMB SHOW
BReal..I’d like your 2 cents.
Everyone knows Buffalo gets a lot of snow..and yeah,the local weather channels let you know a bit what is going on currently and for the rest of the day. All of us take a gamble driving in a “weather advisory” and we know not to drive during a driving ban. But what would you do if this happened…Read More2 Comments -
eddietheFatCat posted in the group DR GREENTHUMB SHOW
Made this for a contest back in 2018
Before and AfterPhotoshop artwork
Sen Dogg 2018
-From Eddie
Bob Morales posted in the group DR GREENTHUMB SHOW
Good afternoon B an the whole Green Thumb Crew, hope you all had a great Christmas, this is very hard for me to process on Dec 4th my Dad was in the hospital from a stroke an had to have surgery from a brain bleed. Ended up in a coma which he didn’t come out of. An Passed on the 26th. Would love to get a moment of silence from the table thank…Read More
i&i_Radacini posted in the group DR GREENTHUMB SHOW
Greetings to all,
I just received this Mistery Phuncky’s !!! Just wanted to share this with you all.
Happy holidays to all the crew and affiliates !!!!Kolton, the username is i and i ( i against i ) radacini ( az in roots )
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Dominic Thiroux

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