This is what I’m currently smoking on! Salute to the highest show in the world 🌎 and to the Insane Asylum. 🤘😆💨
Just got this and already went on my first ride! No need to rent a bike in LA now. 🚲🤘💀💨
So I didn’t rent a bike or a scooter, but I did walk through a Portal from Santa Monica to Venice beach and back, which totaled about 10 and a 1/2 miles. There were no B-Real sightings, but still a way better walk than on my treadmill in Fresno. 🌊🤘💀💨🍄 Stoned is the way of the walk!
This picture was taken at the Lake Tahoe Reggae Festival 8-4-24.
Shout out to Cypress Hill for making me feel 15 years old again! 🙌 You are amazing, just like the first time I saw you! I got to meet B-Real before but this time I didn’t have VIP. Still, I had a blast! Huge Shout out to Bobo, who I believe threw his drumstick right at me. I c…Read More
Ready to see my favorite group of all time, Cypress Hill at the Lake Tahoe Reggae Festival on Sunday! I’ll be wearing one of these Cypress Hill hats and tank tops. I’m so excited I’m packing right now! 💀💨❤️🍄🤯

Dominic Thiroux

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