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Chantelle Marie SmithOffline

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      Chantelle Marie Smith

      11 months, 2 weeks ago

      You guys were talking today in your show about how some people have an addictive personality. There’s some truth to that, but the reality is that everyone is addicted to something. Some addictions are more socially acceptable than others like being a workaholic (which is actually socially admired in some circles), but some people are addicted to shopping, exercise, clean eating, books, collecting trains and/or building models. Some people are addicted to porn, illegal/legal drugs, shoplifting, and social media/cell phones.

      Anyhow, I write lots of stuff about addiction and other stuff I notice and think about. Sometimes I share it online through my social media and otherwise (all my links are in my bio). I post a lot of my musings on a writing site. This is a short few verses I wrote on addiction:

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